JULY – AS YOU LIKE IT (Lindisfarne, AD 793) by Kenneth Cavander
AUGUST – JULIUS CAESAR (Monkwearmouth Colliery, 1984) by Shishir Kurup

In association with Play On Shakespeare, Arts Council England, UKSPF via Sunderland
City Council and The Barbour Foundation

The Bard: There’s a time and a place…

Theatre Space’s award-winning Summer of Shakespeare is back and set to wow audiences with two
productions that will see plays given Anglo-Saxon/Viking and Miners Strike overhauls with epic
retellings of Shakespeare classics As You Like It and Julius Caesar involving 30+ professional artists,
7 trainees, and a community ensemble of up to 50 people.

This year will also see performances at Durham Fringe Festival for the first time, Jarrow Hall’s
refurbished grandstand area in the heart of their Anglo-Saxon village, and at St. Peter’s Anglo-Saxon
church in Monkwearmouth, which celebrates its 1350th anniversary this year. And speaking of
anniversaries, August’s Julius Caesar production at Seventeen Nineteen (Holy Trinity Church) in
Sunderland will depict the industrial action that connected, fractured, and shaped communities in the
area 40 years ago this year.

AS YOU LIKE IT (Lindisfarne, AD 793) a modern verse translation by David Ivers
Ousted from their homes, a faithful group of Anglo-Saxons take refuge in Arden Forest as a new
barbaric Viking regime begins to take root in Northumberland. Meanwhile, Rosalind is banished by
new ruler Frederick, whilst Orlando, on hearing of a plot to kill him, also flees to the safety of the
trees, where a clash of colourful characters causes the story to take some unexpected twists and
turns. Cue laughter, love, and confusion as Arden Forest bursts into life this summer in an As You Like It
unlike any other.

Visiting: St. Peter’s Church, Sunderland (19-21 July 2024) – 7pm
Jarrow Hall, Jarrow (23 July 2024) – 7pm
Palace Green (outside Durham Cathedral), Durham (24-26 July 2024) – 4pm

JULIUS CAESAR (Monkwearmouth Colliery, 1984) a modern verse translation by Shishir
Kurup Fresh from leading a striking workforce to victory – by standing firm in the face of immense pressure from above to return to work at Monkwearmouth Colliery to undertake essential maintenance – the streets are ringing with Caesar’s name.

But not everyone is in a position to celebrate: families are starving, anger is rife, futures are at
stake…and desperate times sometimes call for desperate action. Deception, betrayal and sociopolitical unrest reach boiling point this summer – 40 years on since the cataclysmic industrial
movement that changed the lives of so many in the region forever.

Visiting: Seventeen Nineteen, Sunderland (15-18 August 2024) – 7.30pm

These modern verse translations maintain the mastery of the original whilst artistically updating the
most unfamiliar language, making it sympathetic to the modern ear, as part of a long-standing
relationship with Oregon’s Play On Shakespeare. Partnerships with Arts Council England, UKSPF
via Sunderland City Council and The Barbour Foundation are also helping make this ‘Summer of
Shakespeare’ Theatre Space’s most adventurous yet, as artistic director Corinne Kilvington, who
will direct the season, reflects:

“It’s been an incredible journey. Over 11 years, Plays in the Parks has grown into Theatre Space’s Summer of Shakespeare (one of the largest seasonal employers of theatre-makers in the area) and this year…we’re off on tour! Sunderland audiences have always embraced our summer season, and we cannot wait to welcome South Tyneside and Durham audiences with open arms! It really is shaping up into something special and, of course, we are everthankful to every one of our partners for making what we do, possible.”

The project will also see community and schools workshops that will explore the themes of both
productions, with local well-being and handicraft groups working together to build set elements and
banners to be used in the productions, in a sizeable collaboration that promises to entertain
audiences of all ages in the summer of 2024.

Producer, Jamie Brown, thinks this year’s productions are set to capture the imagination, as well as
having something to say about the world today:

“Each production this year has been given a specific time and place, evoking a rich and unique part of North-East history that still has so much to say about the world we live in right now – because persecution and displacement of people made the area what it is today, as did the socio-political and industrial action
that still burns bright in the memories of so many – and we feel these two plays are the perfect vehicles to shine a light on that this summer in a bold and profound way.”

Tickets for As You Like It and Julius Caesar are available now from,
where you can find information relating to specific performances and venues – or even sign up to be
part of the performing community cast.

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