Darlington actress to perform stage show, Pricks, in aid of Diabetes charity, JDRF
Darlington-based actress Jade Byrne will be partaking in a live charity fundraiser this Thursday, 11 June, in aid of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
Jade, who is a Celebrity Ambassador for the charity, will be doing a live, online performance of her one-woman stage show, Pricks, followed by a Q&A session to help raise funds for the JDRF who, as the world’s largest, charitable fundraiser of Type 1 Diabetes research, funds research into the prevention, treatment, and curing both Type 1 and its complications.
Having already begun touring Pricks when the pandemic took a global grip in March, Jade is unsure as to when she’ll next be able to get out, most people in the music and entertainment industry not expecting venues to open fully until either late 2020, or even early 2021.
Speaking of the current situation Jade said: “Because of Covid-19, I’ve only managed to do two shows of about thirty that were booked in for this year, and I always collect for JDRF UK at the end of each show.
“They’re missing out on so much money because they’re a medical research charity so therefore aren’t eligible for government assistance, and I’m missing out on doing the show so I thought, why not do an online, live show in my back room and raise money for them that way instead.”
That in itself brings with it a few logistical issues, a difference in setting up props probably the easiest to overcome, then there’s the purchasing of new equipment such as extra lighting, blackout curtains and the like.
Jade however is not short of assistance, a husband, and a stage manager no doubt socially distancing as they get everything prepped for a Thursday night performance, a one that’ll only be available for 24 hours.
And, as it’s Diabetes Awareness Week (8-14 June), the timings have been worked in order to coincide, Jade adding: “Yes, I absolutely wanted to do it this week for that reason.
“It’s a great time to raise awareness and connect with other Type 1’s whilst the show itself, well there’s no ‘real’ audience in front of me so it’s going to be odd.
“I’m going to have to take some new direction from one of the directors Ruth Johnson, in order to make it work for camera but it’ll be the same content, just performed a little differently.”

A full performance of Pricks followed by the Q&A will be available for a 24hr period after its conclusion in order not to detract from future performance of the show.
Donations to the JDRF can be made via Jade’s socials of Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PricksOfficial/ and Twitter https://twitter.com/PricksOfficial whilst Jade will be performing her stage show, Pricks, on Thursday 11 June, live from 8pm, followed by a live Q&A at 9pm via the JDRF YouTube channel https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC_FsA4Wr076QfCYdWo0eDsA and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/JDRFUK/