5 Vital Things To Know Before Visiting A Newcastle Casino

Newcastle has a fine choice of stunning casinos to intrigue and entertain on a night out. These establishments combine loads of great games with additional comforts to ensure you have a fun time for as long as you wish. If you’re planning a night on the town with some friends, here are a few key things to know before visiting a Newcastle casino.

They Serve Food & Drink

Is there much worse than getting hungry on a night out? It’s one of the worst parts of going to a club or bar as you can’t get any decent food. Even more annoying, many of the local restaurants are closed in the early hours of the morning, leaving you with no choice but to risk it with a dodgy kebab.

Thankfully, all of the main casinos in Newcastle serve food and drink throughout the night until closing time in the early hours. You’re unlikely to find a roast dinner in these casinos, but they serve everything from classic bar snacks to pizzas and curries.

It’s food for thought (pardon the pun) as you can essentially turn this casino visit into a full night out. Enjoy some drinks, gamble on a few slot machines, stop for dinner and then continue the fun all in one place.

Online Self-Exclusions Don’t Matter

There’s a chance you’re signed up to the National Self-Exclusion register – GamStop – and are wondering if Newcastle’s casinos will deny your entry. You’ll be happy to know land-based casinos offer a solution for how to get around GamStop as they’re not linked with the scheme at all. Your self-exclusion only works for online casinos, so you can freely enter all the establishments in Newcastle with no issues.

Minor Dress Codes Apply

Have you ever been to a proper casino before? If not, you might think there are fancy dress codes and you’re thrown away at the door if you’re not wearing a tuxedo like James Bond.

That’s not the case – at least, not in Newcastle!

Let’s be honest, the North East is pretty special, but it’s not Monte Carlo. The casinos here don’t have strict dress codes and you can wear virtually anything. We say “virtually” as a few minor rules apply across all the main casinos here:

  • Shorts aren’t banned but long trousers/jeans are preferable
  • Avoid wearing string vests or gym tops
  • Wear trainers or shoes rather than flip-flops or sliders

A few of the casinos are more relaxed than others but if you’re worried about wearing the wrong thing, we suggest sticking to a smart-casual dress code. The important thing is that you aren’t obliged to dress up as smart as can be – though there’s nothing wrong with that either! Some people like booking tables at casinos and dressing up as part of the night out. It can be fun if you’ve got a group of friends and want to dress nicely.

You Don’t Need To Sign Up

Unlike online casinos, land-based casinos don’t require registration. None of the options in Newcastle have any rules like this – all you need to do is provide ID on the door. As long as you’re 18 or over, you’ll be let in with no problems.

However, some casinos – like Grosvenor – will issue membership cards. You don’t have to pay for them or anything like that; it makes entering the casino easier on your next visits. Instead of needing to wait and go to a desk with your ID, you can flash the membership card and waltz straight in.

Private Experiences Are Offered

By all means, you can rock up to any of the casinos in Newcastle and go about the place as you please. There’s no need to book – but if you’d like to book a private table or booth, most of the casinos allow it. This is a great idea on busy weekends or if you want to book a table in the bar/restaurant when there’s football on.

You can also book private experiences at these casinos. They give you a bunch of perks to enjoy with friends, private gaming options, champagne and much more. One example is shown below:

  • Welcome cocktail
  • Bottle of Lanson champagne
  • 30 minutes at a private table
  • £30 money to spend in the casino
  • Lucky number roulette bet

Looking for private experiences is always good as casinos can get busy at times. Also, if it’s your first ever visit to a casino, getting private tables and explanations from dealers helps to ease you into things so you feel more confident.

Now you know these five things, it’s time to head out and enjoy all the casinos Newcastle has to offer. Take a moment to remind yourself of the pillars of responsible gambling before you step inside: set a betting limit, don’t gamble when you’re too intoxicated, avoid getting overly emotional if you lose and stop when it stops being fun. 

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