Onions! They make you cry, and at the end of this production I had a tear in my eye. Tiny Fragments Of Beautiful Light is a brilliantly directed, produced and performed piece of stage cure y running at the Alphabetti Theatre.
Hannah Genesius plays the lead role of Elsa, and it is this characters journey we follow. Genesius was a joy to watch, her behaviours, emotion and delivery were fabulous. A person ignored, misunderstood, different from the rest, often frustrated and come the end empowered.
A love of earlobes and a swimming octopus are just a couple of the things we come to learn of amongst other behavioural traits portrayed as she grows up and finds her place in this world.
This play shines a light on hidden disabilities and the experiences encountered when you’re trying to find your way in life.
Complimented by Yemisi Oyinloye as Carmen who accepts Elsa for who she is, octopus and all. Zoe Lambert as Elda’s mam gave a lovely performance of someone who has just tried to do the best for her daughter the best she can, as she guides her through a tumultuous incidents and experiences. Both actors having to switch between multiple roles, they done this with ease and often brought a lot of humour throughout too. I really loved the chemistry between all three of them.
The stage was well set up and quite pretty with a flower led frame. One of the more complicated sets I’ve seen at the theatre it allowed for the scene to change seamlessly from homes to garden centre, to doctors and back. I also loved the way two rectangle blocks were used multiple times for different things.
This play as I mentioned at the start was brilliantly produced, directed and delivered. Myself and two people next to me at the end of the show had shed a tear – of happiness. I just left thinking what a wonderful and enlightening play. One that raises awareness of hidden disability and the struggles or frustrations that one may have and others will relate too.
With the subject matter in mind and making this show accessible , performances are also made for the neurodiverse in mind. We are provided earphones prior to the performance which allow you to listen to it in three different modes. 1. Blue; Full ‘Bells & Whistles Sound Design 2. Red; Full Sound Design without high pitched sounds for mellow experience. 3. Green; Relaxed Sound Design. You can also choose to listen live without the earphones that allow you to experience it at a relaxed level.
Performance Time: 7:30pm plus 1:00pm Saturday matinees
Covid-19 Policy:
We are no longer operating social distancing, and face coverings are encouraged but not mandatory.
Tickets: 31st Jan – 4th Feb 2023 Pay What You Feel (booking essential)
7th Feb – 18th Feb 2023 £15-£3
Age Rec: 14+
Access: Captioned performance Wednesday 8th February , Audio Described performance
Wednesday 15th February, Every performance is Relaxed . BSL Performances Thursday 9th Feb 7.30pm, Saturday 11th, Feb 1pm
Thursday 16th Feb 7.30pm.
Review by Aaron. (Ticket:Paid)
Cast Photos: Victoria Wai