The show ‘AN EVENING OF SWEARING AND SHOUTING’ is touring with 13 dates throughout the north of England and Scotland from September 20th through to December 6th 2024.

UK stand up stalwart and comedic giant in his home city of Newcastle Upon Tyne Gavin Webster, after 32 years of trooping the boards on the national comedy circuit is finally going out on tour on his own. Famed for his ‘proper jokes’, his legendary panda routine as well as many other cultish on stage set pieces in the north east like ‘Kenny Hitler’, ‘The BBC World Service’ and a few more infamous ones that has got him press and attention, he will be taking his hit 2024 Edinburgh fringe show ‘An Hour of Swearing and Shouting’ to another level by doing ‘An Evening of Swearing and Shouting’ in theatres from Chorley to Kirkcaldy.

It’s not for the feint hearted and it does exactly what it says on the tin. It’s appreciated that some people don’t like swearing and shouting but many folk do and this is a night of skilful, clever routines, pumped full of jokes with a lot of swearing and shouting punctuating it all.

By all means stay away if it’s not your sort of thing but if you like a laugh, get along to a full hour and a quarter of Gav plus a support act in the first half, you won’t be

Tickets are available here:-

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